
How to manage your misinformation diet.

Written by Drew Wyatt | (November, 22, 2023)

As technology has evolved, information has become abundant and easily accessible. However, with this flood of data, the challenge of navigating what is true and what is false has become incredibly difficult. Now, everyone has the right to share their opinions. But this is becoming harder with big tech censoring information. Which makes it more important than ever to manage where you get your data.

Understanding your Data Diet

The information you consume impacts your opinions, bias and view of the world. Your diet is defined as the foods your habitually eat. Your information diet is a new term that essentially relates to the information you consume and interact with regularly. Crafting a healthy data diet involves conscious decision-making about the information we consume, share, and act upon. 

The Challenge 

A study by Pew Research Center revealed that 30% of U.S. adults have shared fake news, knowingly or unknowingly, highlighting the importanace of managing your sources on social media. So how can you manage your opinions and views through what information you recieve?

Strategies for Managing Misinformation

1. Verify Sources and Fact-Check

Where do you get your information from now? Analyze your diet. Think about where you consume content and make sure you always verify the credibility of the sources of your data before accepting it as fact. 

2. Diversify Your Sources

Understanding the different sides of the story can give you insight into opinions of others. Make sure you rely on a variety of reputable sources to gain a broader perspective of the data. Everyone has a bias, to a certain degree, you need to make sure that bias does not sway your view when confronted by facts. 

3. Mindful Consumption

Remember to be mindful of your information consumption habits. Limit exposure to unreliable sources. I personally am a big believer in staying an arms length away from social media. Utilizing it as a tool for business rather than a recreational activity. On average in the UK in 2022 people used their phones for 4 hours 14 minutes a day. That's around 17% of the day spent on the phone!


In conclusion, managing misinformation is crucial for maintaining your general view of the world. With this is mind you should really look to implement a proactive approach of critical evaluation of the news you consume. By committing to being wary of what information you consume on a day-to-day basis. 

Just as a well-balanced diet contributes to a healthy mind and body, a well-curated information diet is key in keeping a robust and informed mind, enabling us to navigate the complex landscape of the worlds political, economic and societal systems.